1Trusted Agent
4Personal Information
5Phone Verification
6Select Plan & Make Payment
  • What you should know about a Trusted Agent before you begin:

    By agreeing to the Health Information Service Provider (HISP) agreement, Directory Data Sharing Agreement, and the Business Associate Agreement (BAA) on the following screen, you are also agreeing to represent your company as their official Trusted Agent. If you are not representing your company as their official Trusted Agent, that person, once identified within your organization, should complete this process.

    The identity of the Trusted Agent will be verified by the Certificate (CA) and Registration Authorities (RA) of iShare Medical which is DigiCert.  iShare Medical uses DigiCert to verify that you are who you say you are, which is critical to ensure security of your patients’ Protected Health Information.

    As a Trusted Agent, it will be your responsibility as the “administrator” to set up others individuals within your organization to give them access to iShare Medical Messaging for Providers and to allow them to “send on behalf” of a provider(s) as defined by your company’s policies and procedures. By granting them access to iShare Medical Messaging for Providers, you are ensuring they are who they say they are. As a Trusted Agent, you are not automatically set up as a user of iShare Medical Messaging. If you are also an intended user of iShare Medical Messaging, you will need to grant yourself access in the "Manage iShareID Direct Addresses" window as you would grant access to any user.

icon-lockThe information you are providing is considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and will be processed in a secure manner. If you need assistance please call Customer Service at 816-249-255 ext. 2.